Products » GlycoTechnica GlycoStation & New GlycoLite

GlycoTechnica GlycoStation

GlycoStation Reader 1200, developed by GlycoTechnica, rapidly profiles glycoproteins using its Lectin chips and its novel evanescent-field excitation scanner. Because the GlycoStation does not require washing, it detects protein carbohydrate interactions with very high sensitivity, even in crude samples.

High Versatility & Applicability

  • No Wash Process: High reproducibility
  • Real time liquid phase analysis
  • Quantitave analysis detecting weak interactions for both N- and O-glycans
  • Identification of Isomers
  • No need for cleaving glycans from the carrier protein
  • High Sensitivity (LOD)
    100pg/mL Glycoprotein
    100pM Glycan
    500 - 1,000 Cells
  • Applicable for crude samples, cells, and whole blood
  • Suitable for time course studies


We invite you to visit the FDA in Silver Springs to see the GlycoStation Reader 1200 in action.

GlycoTechnica Blog

GlycoStation Reader 1200

Hashimoto Liposome Automaker And Extruder

GlycoStation vs. GenePix 4000B

Please view this breakdown of a head-to-head comparison of the GlycoStation, the evanescent-field fluorescence excitation scanner, versus GenePix 4000B.

New GlycoLite

New GlycoLite